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5 Professional Mold Removal Techniques

If your basement is damp or was recently flooded, you are at an increased risk of developing health problems such as allergies, coughing and sneezing, chronic fatigue, and a host of respiratory problems due to the growth of black mold.

And it is not only that; black mold in basement also causes damage to various structures in the basement including walls, basement boards, wooden items, and others. To avoid the damage caused by black mold in the basement, you should call mold removal experts the moment you notice musty odors in your basement.

Mold removal experts understand how mold grows and how it should be safely removed. They can help you get rid of mold even in cases where the mold is hidden. Here are some of the steps they follow.

1. Identifying the location of the mold

Black mold and other types of mold often grow in areas that are humid or which have been exposed to water. Notable areas include basements, bathrooms, sinks, window sills, and other areas.

In basements, black mold is likely to be found in wet walls and floors, on the ceiling where condensation occurs, and on wooden surfaces, which have the tendency to absorb moisture. While it is not always possible to see all mold growths with the naked eye, mold experts have mold testing kits that make identification easy.

2. Applying antimicrobials

Once the places that have mold have been identified, mold experts apply antimicrobials to kill all the mold. This includes mold infestations that are still not visible and any existing mold spores.

3. Containment

Even after applying antimicrobials, it is possible that mold particles that are contained in humid air will spread quickly to other areas. Therefore, mold removal technicians will use containment measures to ensure that spores of black mold in the basement do not spread to other areas in your home. Containment involves isolating the area that has had a mold infestation.  Black Mold In Basement | Sussex County, NJ | A-1 Basement Solutions

4. Filtration of air

Your mold removal company will use technologies such as HEPA vacuums and air scrubbers to clean air and ensure that it is completely free of mold spores. HEPA filtration also helps remove dust and microbial volatile organic compounds from the air.

5. Removing all materials and cleaning up

In many cases, the most effective way to guarantee proper mold remediation is to thoroughly clean up and get rid of the affected materials. This will help ensure that your basement does not become infested with mold again.

Contact the Professionals at A-1 Basement Solutions Today! 908-322-1313